80 Comments Posted by davegangster

Motts do you believe in ghosts ? I'm guessing by all the places you shot in that ghosts ,spirits or supernatural things don't spin you out like they do me. Have you ever captured a ghost on film .DG...ps nice shot as usual....
Nice light ,the blue lifts the gloom DG...
This room has a good vibe to it.Just my opinion DG,,,
You do a great {peeling paint}shot Motts.
Motts ,I think you have a gift .You don't seem to be able to take a bad photo DG...
Motts ,love your work ,roughly how long does it take to take a shot like this ?Do you just line line it up a press or do you have a tripod and slowly set up each shot over a period of minutes? I don't want your secrets I'm just curious DG....
So far no grafitti,cool shoot Motts.DG...
I knew it was all going to end soon when the shots went outside ,i could have looked at the inside for ever DG...
If the prision falls to ruins like what we are seeing in these photos what does that mean happens to the prisioners there ?
If you stare at this photo you start to see prisioners being shuffled up and down the hallways shackled and guards with them.DG...
Your pictures are so moving Motts that i feel i have to comment on each one,its the least i can do.DG...
I suffer from Bipolar and i have a constant fear of being homeless,it's always in the back of my mind.I really thank those who show compassion and understanding for mental illness,so many people are ignorant and think we are killers or theives or something horrible inside,were just like everyone else only our seratonein levels are different.DG...
Interesting the left bars seem lots more corroded than the bars on the right.DG...
Simply beautiful,I was going out but i'm to rivited by these photos i can't wait to see what is next.DG...
Motts,you should get an award for this shot,ps for most of your shots,your an unsung hero in photography. DG...