99 Comments Posted by MIKEYINTHEOC

Hide and go seek, and the pony was never seen again

Thank Motts, another hour out of my day well spent
The Blair witch project part II
My message is watch out for boys without elbows falling on you or tipping over. You know like "falling rocks ahead"
LOL, Perfect example of German Engineering ( past dumb comment I made on an other image) to the way the rest of us would engineer a wheelchair design
Man o Man, I did not know that there were so many different styles of wheel chairs, count your blessings
Friggin complicated, Has to be German engineering.
To me it looks like you threw some sand bags on the back of the thing, leaned against it and drove it back with your legs?
the one in the middle looks like a place to rest your left forearm while grasping the hell out of the U-shaped handle with the left hand
I hope this was a double feature on one reel, by the size of this canister
I seen basketball and rope climbing, so I can only assume this a wrestlers chin strap.
This must of sucked, and eating raisins with a spoon. "thin" soup of course, raisins no.
knees touching, feet slightly outward
Nothing like the durability of a good ol' coleman ice chest stuck 12" in the floor
Mott thanks for the great explanation, I spent sometime even looking at it sideways to figure why a mask. I was trying so hard to fit it on a head, you know like in the roller derby when the "jammers" used to strap on a helmet